Causes Of Hypertension

Causes Of Hypertension Hypertension , also called high blood pressure is a long term medical condition in which the blood pressure in the arteries is frequently elevated. The force with which blood is pushed against the walls of blood vessel is blood pressure. When the blood pressure rises measurement rises above the normal range then it is a condition of high blood pressure, also called hypertension, which is considered as a dangerous condition as in this condition heart have to work harder to pump blood. It also leads to hardening of arteries, stroke, heart failure , loss of vision, kidney disease, sexual problems and many more. The exact cause of hypertension is still not known but it can be caused due to various reasons like: Smoking - smoking of cigarette is one of the major causes of hypertension. Nicotine increases the blood pressure and damages the blood vessel. It increases the heart rate and hence cause the arteries to narrow and constrict. If the blood flow tha...