Causes Of Hypertension

Causes Of Hypertension

Hypertension, also called high blood pressure is a long term medical condition in which the blood pressure in the arteries is frequently elevated. The force with which blood is pushed against the walls of blood vessel is blood pressure. When the blood pressure rises measurement rises above the normal range then it is a condition of high blood pressure, also called hypertension, which is considered as a dangerous condition as in this condition heart have to work harder to pump blood. It also leads to hardening of arteries, stroke, heart failure, loss of vision, kidney disease, sexual problems and many more.
The exact cause of hypertension is still not known but it can be caused due to various reasons like:
Smoking- smoking of cigarette is one of the major causes of hypertension. Nicotine increases the blood pressure and damages the blood vessel. It increases the heart rate and hence cause the arteries to narrow and constrict. If the blood flow that is restricted is drawn out in the arteries for long then it may lead to heart attack or blood clot. Even light smoking can cause hypertension and many other related problems like pulmonary problems. Not only smokers but people who are exposed to high amount of second hand smoke are also at a high risk of hypertension and has a very bad effect on heart and blood pressure.
Overweight or obesity- being overweight is having larger body mass and hence more resistance to flow. When body weight is increased then it takes more pressure to move the blood around the body. The weight gained at abdominal area is more likely to cause blood pressure as the type of fat at abdominal area makes artery thick and stiff. Due to stiffness of pipe it becomes harder to push blood through the body and as a result increases the salt retention which in turn increases blood pressure.
Lack of Physical activity- physical activity plays a major role in preventing hypertension. Less active and less fit people are more prone to hypertension.
Too much salt in diet- Too much salt causes the amount of salt to rise in the bloodstream because of which the delicate balance is disturbed. As a result the ability of kidney to remove water is reduced and hence due to the extra fluid and strain on blood vessels which leads to kidney, the blood pressure is increased.
Stress- in stressful situations the body produces a large amount of hormones which results in temporary increase in blood pressure. These hormones cause heart to beat faster and narrow blood vessels.
Older age- as the age increase the blood vessels show a decreased performance and arteries tend to narrow and harden which most likely results in hypertension at old age. As the age increase some of the pathways of the heart’s pacemaker system will have fat deposits, which affect the functioning of heart.
Sleep apnea- In sleep apnea the blood oxygen level suddenly drops. This sudden drop in the blood oxygen level increases the blood pressure and strain the cardiovascular system. People having obstructive sleep apnea are at a higher risk of developing hypertension.
Hypertension can be minimized if taken proper measures and balanced diet.


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