Uric acid level responsible for increase in blood pressure

Uric acid level responsible for increase in blood pressure

High Blood Pressure also known as Hypertension, is one of the most common and long-term medical problem faced by people today. High blood pressure refers to the persistent elevation of blood pressure in arteries. It can be classified as Primary and Secondary Hypertension. Hypertension has now become one of the most common cardiovascular diseases. The chances of getting hypertension becomes higher with age, which results in increase mortality rate due to events such as heart failure, myocardial infraction, stroke etc.

The level of uric acid plays a major role in controlling blood pressure. Various studies have found uric acid’s association with hypertension. Uric acid is waste product which is the result of food metabolism. The amount of uric acid in our body should be maintained. When the amount of uric acid in our body builds up then it can lead to increase in blood pressure. Too much increase in level of uric acid can cause gout. Gout is the result of accumulation of crystals of uric acid in the joints.

The amount of uric acid in body increase because of two reasons, one is either the body fails to excrete it or body produces too much of it. In some studies it had been observed that during the early stage in blood of pressure the extra amount of uric acid is responsible for activating the renin angiotensin system of the body. This activation results in shrinking of blood vessels and causes high blood pressure. Due to this the small vessels in kidney are affected permanently which eventually makes blood pressure more sensitive to sodium or salt. Hence when one takes too much salt it results in the rise in blood pressure.

Since, so many researches proved that the increase in amount of uric acid is responsible for high blood pressure, so if by any means the amount of uric acid present in body can be balanced then the blood pressure can be controlled.


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