
Can Renal Denervation control Resistant Hypertension??

Can Renal Denervation control Resistant Hypertension?? It is well known fact that if hypertension is not treated on time then it can turn into resistant hypertension. Resistant hypertension refers to the condition where blood pressure remains high even after taking three antihypertensive agents of different classes. After various studies it has been seen that renal denervation can lower the blood pressure in hypertensive Patients who are not taking medications. Renal denervation is less painful, endovascular catheter based procedure which uses radio frequency or ultrasound ablation. This procedure removes the nerves in the wall of renal artery by radio frequency pulses or ultrasound. Due to this there is reduction of afferent and efferent activity to the kidney and as a result blood pressure can be reduced. Basically renal denervation provides energy to the kidney nerves and regulates the blood pressure. Studies were conducted to check the efficacy...

Uric acid level responsible for increase in blood pressure

Uric acid level responsible for increase in blood pressure High Blood Pressure also known as Hypertension , is one of the most common and long-term medical problem faced by people today. High blood pressure refers to the persistent elevation of blood pressure in arteries. It can be classified as Primary and Secondary Hypertension. Hypertension has now become one of the most common cardiovascular diseases. The chances of getting hypertension becomes higher with age, which results in increase mortality rate due to events such as heart failure , myocardial infraction , stroke etc. The level of uric acid plays a major role in controlling blood pressure. Various studies have found uric acid’s association with hypertension . Uric acid is waste product which is the result of food metabolism. The amount of uric acid in our body should be maintained. When the amount of uric acid in our body builds up then it can lead to increase in blood pressure. Too much increase in level of u...

Causes Of Hypertension

Causes Of Hypertension Hypertension , also called high blood pressure is a long term medical condition in which the blood pressure in the arteries is frequently elevated. The force with which blood is pushed against the walls of blood vessel is blood pressure. When the blood pressure rises measurement rises above the normal range then it is a condition of high blood pressure, also called hypertension, which is considered as a dangerous condition as in this condition heart have to work harder to pump blood. It also leads to hardening of arteries, stroke, heart failure , loss of vision, kidney disease, sexual problems and many more. The exact cause of hypertension is still not known but it can be caused due to various reasons like: Smoking - smoking of cigarette is one of the major causes of hypertension. Nicotine increases the blood pressure and damages the blood vessel. It increases the heart rate and hence cause the arteries to narrow and constrict. If the blood flow tha...

Hypertension Can Be Linked To Dementia

Hypertension Can Be Linked To Dementia Hypertension is also known as high blood pressure. Hypertension can lead to severe complications including increased risk of heart disease , stroke, and death. The force exerted by the blood against the walls of the blood vessels is called blood pressure. Hypertension is a chronic condition that can cause progressive organ damage. It is now well known that majority of cases of Alzheimer's disease and related dementia is not due to the genetic predisposition but it is due to chronic exposure to vascular risk factors. Dementia patients usually receive clinical treatment only after symptoms are clearly evident. However it has been observed that when signs of brain damage are manifested, it may be too late to reverse the neurodegenerative process. Also Physicians are still lacking in the procedures for assessing progression markers that could reveal pre-symptomatic alterations and could identify patients at risk of developing...

Exposure to higher levels of air pollution during pregnancy leads to high risk of elevated blood pressure in children

Exposure to higher levels of air pollution during pregnancy leads to high risk of elevated blood pressure in children It is well known that air pollution has very harmful effects on our health. It leads to headaches, nausea, allergic reactions and many more problems. Air pollution is caused by various factors but form of air pollution produced by motor vehicles and the burning of oil, coal and biomass which produces fine particulate matter of 2.5 microns or less is more responsible for affecting human health by entering the circulatory system. It is found that the direct exposure to these fine air pollutants leads to high blood pressure in both children and adults and it can also lead to premature death. According to several studies it was found that breathing the polluted air during pregnancy can have a direct effect on the cardiovascular health of the baby. Having high blood pressure in childhood would lead to high blood pressure in adulthood and hypertension wil...

Yogurt consumption reduces the risk of cardiovascular diseases.

Yogurt consumption reduces the risk of cardiovascular diseases . Hypertension affects about one billion people worldwide. Cardiovascular disease is a condition affecting the heart or blood vessels. High blood pressure is one of the major causes of cardiovascular health problems. Various studies have demonstrated the beneficial effects of dairy consumption on cardiovascular health. Higher dairy consumption has beneficial effects on cardiovascular disease-related disorders such as hypertension, type 2   diabetes , and insulin resistance.   Among various dairy products yogurt can independently be related to cardiovascular disease risk. A study was done with more than 1,000 volunteers having high blood pressure to see the effect of long-term yogurt consumption. Yogurt consumption was measured by questionnaires filled out by the volunteers at various intervals over the study period. With the permission to access medical records to confirm all reported new diagn...

Increased risk of cardiovascular death for patients having hypertension before the age of 50

Increased risk of cardiovascular death for patients having hypertension before the age of 50 Hypertension is a condition where blood pressure becomes very high and if untreated, it can cause several health conditions like heart disease, stroke, etc. and when a person is diagnosed with hypertension before the age of 50, it can have various important health consequences. According to researchers, diagnosis of hypertension at an earlier age can lead to greater risk of cardiovascular death and can cause genetic susceptibility for the diseases. It is known that hypertension can lead to high risk of developing cardiovascular outcomes when present in either younger or older age. Researchers studied for decades to know the possible relevance of distinguishing between the importance of hypertension that develops earlier in life and that which develops later in life. They collected blood pressure readings of multiple generations. They also tracked which individuals developed...